Thursday, June 28, 2012

Missing Milwaukee

Our high temperature in Missouri today was somewhere around 105 degrees Fahrenheit.  The photo above was taken on the south side of Milwaukee, on Kinnickinnic avenue, on what was presumably a very cold night in November or December, several years ago.  It was just cold enough that icicles were forming on the underside of the railroad overpass, beneath which I nervously walked from my car to gain this vantage point.  Cold enough that I was wearing several layers of wool, denim and fleece, along with a pair or two of gloves and most likely a stocking cap.  Cold enough that I probably went home with glowing red cheeks and tingling extremities.  Hence it is that the Nightview Columbia blog is taking a brief hiatus from any nighttime Columbia images.  It's just too hot....I throw up my hands and throw in my creative towel.  Even in the middle of the night Columbia's downtown streets are hot enough to coerce perspiration from even the most casual walker.  So my protest shall take the form of images from a much cooler city.  Milwaukee.  Where I lived for five years and never needed an air conditioner.  And for those of you looking to hide from the heat on Saturday, I'll be giving a presentation on night photography in the Friends room of the Daniel Boone Regional Library from 1-2:30 p.m.

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